CCNA Newsletter
The Bridge
THE BRIDGE is the quarterly newsletter that is published by the newsletter workgroup of the Contra Costa Area of Narcotics Anonymous Fellowship Development Sub-committee and belongs to the members of Contra Costa Area of Narcotics Anonymous
Its mission is to provide recovery and service information, as well as recovery related entertainment, relevant to each of our members.
Newsletter Archive
THE BRIDGE welcomes the participation of its readers in the quarterly publications.
Please send us your experiences in recovery, your views on NA matters, your poetry or artwork or information about your home groups or subcommittee’s. You can do this by submitting your contribution, as a write up in the body of an email, or as an attachment and sending to:
We will be in touch by email to let you know if the article has been accepted, or to make suggestions as needed.
THE BRIDGE presents the experiences and opinions of individual members of Narcotics Anonymous and are not to be attributed to Narcotics Anonymous as a whole, nor does publication of any article imply endorsement by the Contra Costa Area of Narcotics Anonymous.
Whatever means you use to submit materials for publication, please include contact information, whether you provide an email address or phone number. DISCLAIMER: CCANA does not endorse any outside enterprises, and offers the linked resource strictly for the purpose of providing a means to contribute written materials to further carry the message of Narcotics Anonymous. Please use such services responsibly!
THE BRIDGE Newsletter Contact Info
● Email: