What is the Area Service Office (ASO)?
The Contra Costa Area Service Office of Narcotics Anonymous was formed to provide our area with non-profit (501c.3) status which was achieved on August 19th, 2016.
The primary purpose of the ASO is to secure and maintain a location for our Fellowship Services Center where we can have meetings, events, ASC, and general fellowship. We are looking for locations in Central Contra Costa, near a BART station. Other benefits of non-profit status include discounted rental fees on halls, ability to lease copiers (vs purchasing outright), and protect or members and fellowhip as a whole. More information regarding NA Banking and Non-Profit Status can be found here: NA Banking Information
The Officers of the CCASO corporation are
Jason L.
Theresa S.
Breann V
The ASO Bylaws were adopted from the Northern California Regional Service Office Bylaws. The CCASO Bylaws were presented and accepted by the CCASC in March 2016.
Tradition 6 - "An NA group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the NA name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, or prestige divert us from our primary purpose."